Research for Science


Everybody likes to give back.  As cruisers, we have a unique perspective on the environment and how our actions affect our ocean home.

Adventurers for Science
Adventure Voyaging participates in a couple of scientific research projects.  On our Greece trip we took water samples for the Adventurers & Science folks.

Secchi Disk
And we are spreading the word on the Secchi Disk.  With the free App, you can measure for phytoplankton.  Click Here to get the App and build your disk.

These guys are saving the world (studying ocean health) … and are providing an avenue for us cruising sailors to help out.  It’s pretty brilliant.  Cruiser’s download the app, make their Secchi Disk out of stuff onboard and then measure water particulates around the world.  The app sends the info to folks who can analyze it.  I remember when I was cruising, the only thing that would have made it better for me was if there was some way that I could give back to the phenomenal ocean planet that I was so fortunate to be exploring.  I wish I had this option.

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