Sail BVI – Questionaire

Info Request

The following info will be used to track you down (with cutlass and pistol) if you are late to the boats.   Some of it is for the charter base as requested. We are careful with personal information.

Name  on your passport(s):


Passport number(s) and Country and date(s) of birth:


Are you staying at a hotel the night before? If yes …
Hotel name (and phone if you have it):


Airline, flight#, arrival date and time or ferry arrival time:


Person at home you would like contacted in an emergency:



 Crew Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be used to put you on a boat with like-minded sailors.

List relevant medical conditions:
-Do you smoke? [Yes] [ No]


-Do you drink? [Never] [The odd glass of wine with dinner] [Afternoon cocktails, out by 2200] [Bloody Mary for breakfast after clubbing ’til late]


-Do you expect to [Read] [Nap] [Hike] [Swim] [Party]


-We all work together to make happy boats get from A to B.  Which parts of the adventure do you expect to participate in?
[Hoisting sails and anchoring]     [Helming]     [Cooking]     [Pillaging]


-What other stuff would you like to do while on this trip?


-Briefly, what is your sailing experience, if any?


-Other comments, expectations:


Thx, mngmnt

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