Back at sea. Still bumpy from blow. “Just enough fuel to get there …” Capt Ron. little boat, big swell,...
Position tracker posts
CW Location – Off Baja
Delivering a little pacific seacraft 31, Cabo to San Diego. Made quick pssge to Mag Bay. Headed santa maria for...
Woody Tracker – Paradise Cove, Malibu, CA
Woody Tracker Latitude:34.01781 Longitude:-118.78207 GPS location Date/Time:11/10/2011 15:38:41 PST,-118.78207&ll=34.01781,-118.78207&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 Delivering a nice Beneteau 47 with Alex from San Pedro...
WoodyDena Tracker – Approaching Catalina, CA
WoodyDena Tracker Latitude:33.47982 Longitude:-118.54535 GPS location Date/Time:10/11/2011 13:32:58 PDT,-118.54535&ll=33.47982,-118.54535&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1...
WoodyDena Tracker – Off Redondo Beach
Headed for a week in the islands and Latitudes & Attitudes Cruiser’s Weekend. WoodyDena Tracker Latitude:33.80889 Longitude:-118.42053 GPS location Date/Time:10/10/2011...
The Straights – Tracker
WoodyDena TrackerLatitude:48.39421 Longitude:-122.96465 GPS location Date/Time:08/14/2011 11:22:28 PDT Message:Just checking in.Click the link below to see where I am located....
Sucia Island – Tracker
WoodyDena Tracker Latitude:48.76082 Longitude:-122.90659 GPS location Date/Time:08/10/2011 17:12:40 PDT Message:Just checking in.Click the link below to see where I am...
Anacortes, The Adventure Begins – Tracker
WoodyDena Tracker Latitude:48.50361 Longitude:-122.60361 GPS location Date/Time:08/10/2011 10:56:41 PDT Message:Just checking in.Click the link below to see where I am...