At the mountains, it is spectacularly beautiful as usual. Mostly blue skies but cool thunder storms that last only a few hours.
Been chucking out nuts (organic of course) for the squirrels and chipmunks. As with the ducks in the harbor, this plan has backfired. They’ve been tapping on the window where I sleep in the morning. Just caught a chipmunk on the dinner table poking at my bag of nuts.
I was staying on Dena’s boat when she was away. Seems she had broken rule one and fed the harbor ducks. Had to endure the hull tapping late one night. Couldn’t figure it out at first. Took a few runs at shooing before they’d stay away.
But you’re here for sailing adventure. So let’s get back to it. Just posted the next installment of our 48′ Tayana Honduras Adventure:
Column 136 for Lats & Atts