Join Captain Holly Scott of

Charlie’s Charts Cruising Guides

in a flotilla ‘round Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands!

 October 14th thru 19th, 2012

Avalon Harbor

Sunday:  Rendezvouz at Emerald Bay, sign in and join us ashore for a Baja Cruiser’s style potluck’ on the beach. 

Monday:  Explore amazing Santa Barbara Island –or- Sail around to Cat Harbor.

Tuesday Cat Harbor with a party at Doug’s in Two Harbors 

Wednesday The Big City of Avalon – Happy Hour deals at The Landing

Thursday White’s Cove – Dinghy raft up and Charlie’s Charts Rum Punch!

Friday To the Isthmus for Cruiser’s Weekend by Adventure Voyaging!

$150 per boat includes: a Charlie’s Charts mini guide to our destinations, all events, 2 flotilla shirts, flotilla participation flag, swag bag, 4 free drink tickets, morning VHF net, discounts on Charlie’s Charts Cruising Guides and gear, seminars, friends and fun! Extra shirts and Charlie’s Charts gear will be available for purchase.

Special guest, Captain Woody and Low Key of Lats and Atts fame, now of Adventure Voyaging and Cruiser’s Weekend.

Contact us at for your signup packet!

(Space limited so don’t delay!)


Charlies Charts