We get questions. Below are some I’ve received recently.
What kind of adapters will I need to charge my gear?
The plug to charge all of your electronics is a 12 volt plug like you have in your car. Anything you want charge onboard requires a ‘car charger’. That 12v outlet is usually only in the saloon (living room). There probably won’t be a plug in your head (bathroom) so even a 12v hairdryer might be difficult to use. Have you thought about dreadlocks? They are coming back into fashion. ;). Tania@adventurevoyaging.com has lots of hair, you might ask what she does.
If you go to charge stuff ashore (hotels/restaurants/cafe’s) it will be 22ovolt which is different than the US but most modern electronics tolerate it – read the charger ‘input’ specifications written on it. You will still need a French adapter to go from our two flat prongs to their system. If your device does not charge with 220v than you need the bigger converter to change the voltage to US 110v.
Fans in the cabins?
Yep, fans in every cabin and a couple in the saloon. We like to park places that enjoy the tradewind breeze.
Does AV offset emissions?
AV is all about leaving a clean wake. Sailing Adventures are by nature, relatively clean vacations. If you haven’t thought of it, adjust your thermostats to save energy (and $) before leaving home. AV has purchased carbon offsets for triple our boat use while on the Voyage. If you are exceptional, you can offset your flights. We use Cotap.org.
Which cabin will I get?
Generally, the order of sign up determines which cabin you get but there are other factors. Your preference is always considered.
(In the example this was taken from …) On your boat there are two other couples that have done other trips with us and also signed up very early. One has asked for an aft cabin, the other will choose next. Then you two. Tania and her friend are happy to get what’s left. I never care, I only sleep there. Forward cabins are often slightly smaller but they are slightly quieter and some get a better breeze (depending on design).
Will there be an opportunity to wash clothes/sheets?
Update … the base puts two sets of sheets and towels on the boat for our extended voyage. The latest info from the base indicates each person get’s a hand towel, shower towel and a beach towel.
You will find fluff and fold laundry service in some of the villages and at resorts always, for a price. I bring a couple clothes pins and hang dry my swimwear after swimming. I wash clothing with dish soap in the boat bucket and hang on the lifelines to dry. You can bring a small laundry detergent (or buy it local).
What is the food situation?
I’ve learned to leave the provisioning to Tania. We all eat a little better that way. It is basic breakfasts and lunches and a few dinners. You will be in French Polynesia, with access to amazing food ashore that you can purchase fresh and bring aboard. You will have an opportunity to eat at restaurants at many of our stops, if you prefer.
To start out … in Raiatea, east of the airport, is the main town of Uturoa. There is an old-school grocery store there. That is your best shot to start. There will be other markets on other islands but they may require a cab ride.
Veggie folks … the boats do have all kinds of non-meat items. If you catch the villages on the right days, there are fresh fruit and veggie markets.
Our boats are equipped with refers (refrigerators). They allow keeping the meat and fish no more than three days in the tropics. You are welcome to pick up fresh items when ashore.
Yes, I’m a big fan of yoga. It would be great for you to run a couple classes. When you see we will be parked off a beautiful beach in the morning (most days), let me know and I will announce ‘yoga on the beach at (time)’ over the morning radio net. That would be great.
What kind of money should I bring?
US dollars work in the more touristy areas. We are venturing to the smaller islands that prefer local money. I like to hit the ATM (starting at the airport) to pull out local money when we are in a town that has one. You can always change USD at banks. Make sure your credit card/ATM company knows you are travelling.
Current exchange rate for the XPF (CFP French Polynesia Franc) is 87 to 1. I drop two zeros and ad a little. 100 Francs is $1.15. By coincidence, 1 nautical mile = 1.15 city miles.
Phone and Data?
The Post Offices (one in the Papeete airport) and some stores can sell you the local Vini sim card if you have an international phone (GSM). The base offers a 3g usb card for your laptop thought it’s spendy, order in advance.
Can I bring into Tahiti booze, beer and wine? Food?
No food folks and only 2.5 liters of alcohol. From the base, “… no food is allowed to be imported unless it is sealed completely in its original packaging and no fruits at all. … each passenger can carry in duty free 2.5 litres of alcohol, and I suggest that each person brings in any hard liquor they want because that is expensive down there. However wine and beer is reasonably priced and plentiful.”
What are my responsibilities onboard?
Keep ‘public’ areas tidy. If you are not using it, keep your stuff in your cabin. The skipper is the only ‘working’ crew onboard. She or he is responsible for keeping the boat safe and making sure you learn what you came to learn … and have a great time. Pitch in where you can. If you are limited physically from doing the hoisting etc, there is always something else you can help with. And people tend to gravitate to tasks they enjoy. We often rotate the cooking. One couple each night. And there will be shore facilities some nights for fun eating out.
Info from Captain Zuzana’s Intro …
You all should have received the “what to bring” email from Woody. Please pack light, you’ll need less than you think. We can discuss any particular expectations when we get there and I’ll try to fulfill as many as possible. Itinerary includes a few days in Huahine (a nice treat), Raitea, Tahaa and Bora Bora. Also, please let me know when you’re flying in/out.
We’ll be loading the boats with our gear and the provisions on Thursday, May 15. I’ll be somewhere in the area that morning. If you get there first, please, leave the base staff to their work and let me know what questions you have. Please get your gear to the boat but not on it until I get the go-ahead that the boat’s ready.
We’ll get ourselves situated based on which boats the base gets to first – we have a lot of them and as a group, we can overpower the local staff. Then we’ll make a run into town to get add’l provisions. Charter boats always come back with too much food and usually even alcohol.
(Woody – boats often take up collections during the cruise to enhance their onboard food selections to their tastes)
… If you have beverages that you prefer, you are welcome to bring them – it’s your choice to share or not. Duty free will be your cheapest option … (2.5 liters max, see above).
I’ve heard about Zika. What’s the latest?
All tropical places have bouts with tropical fevers. French Polynesia had dengue and zika run through it recently. Our friend Rick, who lives on Bora Bora and ran Bloody Marys sent an update at my request …
“Tahiti … dengue rate of 7.55 cases per thousand inhabitants.”
(The lowest rate listed in French Polynesia. No mention of occurrence in the islands we are cruising.)
“In addition, the Bureau of Health Surveillance has definitely seen the end of the epidemic zika which now prevails in other countries and territories in the Pacific: New Caledonia, Cook Islands.”
We prefer to anchor out on the motus because they tend have a nice breeze. This also keeps bugs away. Still, wear your repellent when heading ashore, early mornings and evenings are when I notice them. If it’s a calm night aboard, sleep under the sheet and wear repellent on the parts that stick out.
The gals will be offering ‘tasters’ at a special price which offer enough time for people to learn “… that we are Bodyworkers, not the ‘fluff and buff’ kind of masseuses. We would like folks to return to us with their shoulder injuries, tired feet, and headaches.” We will have a sign up sheet available during the Tasters so people can book their next appointment.
Can I ship stuff to the base in advance?
The answer from the charter company suggests no. If you would like their lengthy response on the shipping process, email Woody for it.
A guest commented that she is low maintenance …
Woody answered, “You are sweet. We work extra hard to keep our low maintenance friends happy! Wait that doesn’t make sense ;)”